Is a coronavirus mask now officially part of your daily outfit?
If so, your skin might be the source of breakouts. Masks have a security layer. But they can irritate the skin, block pores, and flare acne as well. Keep reading to learn how to cope with “maskne“, the new word for mask-induced breakouts.
How do face masks cause skin damage and acne?
Typically, skin damage from wearing masks affects healthcare workers. But now that everyone is advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to wear masks in public, we are all at risk.
Masks trigger breakouts in three main ways:
Rubbing: Through rubbing and chafing, masks can cause discomfort, much like a rug burn. The bridge of the nose and where elastic bands touch behind the ears are the places most at risk. Tightly fitted masks may put sufficient pressure on the skin over time to cause it to breakdown.
Irritation: A mask’s substance retains the natural oils of the skin. This contributes to dryness and sensitivity for certain individuals. Detergent and fabric softener residue often gets trapped under the mask and can cause irritation. You see redness, dry spots, peeling, or dark marks as discomfort turns into inflammation. The inflammation can cause it to flare if you have a skin condition such as rosacea or psoriasis.
Occlusion: Complications are often caused by occlusion from a mask. Pores get clogged and may become cysts of acne or pimples. The breath trapped under the mask makes the surface of your skin warm and sticky. This environment can lead to a breakout called folliculitis, in addition to normal acne, which is when yeast or bacteria invade hair follicles.
When am I going to see a doctor?
You should see a dermatologist if you have skin damage or breakouts that don’t lead to improvements in skincare. Many are providing virtual visits now. There may be symptoms of infection by spreading redness or draining pus. Seek urgent medical attention if this occurs.
In Conclusion: We may be wearing masks for a long time due to the coronavirus pandemic. The correct skin care routine will help minimize skin damage and breakouts related to the mask.


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