Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra

Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra - Bliss Clinic

Achieve a Straighter Smile Faster with Accelerated Orthodontics at Bliss Clinic, Bandra

While traditional braces remain a successful method for teeth straightening, many patients in Bandra, Mumbai, desire a faster route to achieving their dream smile. Accelerated orthodontics offers a revolutionary approach that significantly reduces treatment time compared to conventional braces. At Bliss Clinic, led by the esteemed orthodontist Dr. Farhan Parkar, we understand the longing for a beautiful, confident smile, and we’re proud to offer accelerated orthodontic options tailored to your individual needs.

This comprehensive guide explores everything you need to know about accelerated orthodontics, from how it works and its benefits to determining if it’s the right choice for you.

Traditional Braces vs. Accelerated Orthodontics: Weighing the Pros and Cons

While both traditional braces and accelerated orthodontics aim to achieve a straighter smile, they differ in their treatment approaches and timelines:

Traditional Braces in Braces:


  • Proven and reliable treatment method.
  • Cost-effective option in some cases.
  • Suitable for a wide range of orthodontic issues.


  • Longer treatment times (often 18-24 months or more).
  • Can be uncomfortable and cause irritation.
  • Requires dietary restrictions due to potential damage to brackets and wires.
  • May impact speech during the initial adjustment period.

Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra:


  • Significantly reduced treatment times (often 6-18 months).
  • Minimized discomfort compared to traditional braces.
  • Fewer dietary restrictions.
  • Less impact on speech.


  • May be a more expensive option than traditional braces.
  • Not suitable for all orthodontic cases.
  • Potential for increased risk of root resorption (discussed later).

The Race for a Straighter Smile: How Long Does Accelerated Orthodontics Take?

The average treatment time for accelerated orthodontics can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the specific technique used. However, it’s generally much faster than traditional braces, typically ranging from 6 to 18 months. During your consultation at Bliss Clinic, Dr. Farhan Parkar will provide a more precise estimate based on your individual needs. Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Beyond Traditional Braces: Are There Even Faster Options?

While accelerated orthodontics offers a significant reduction in treatment time compared to traditional braces, it’s not the only option for those seeking a swift smile transformation. Invisalign, a system of clear, removable aligners, can also be a suitable choice for mild to moderate orthodontic cases. Dr. Farhan Parkar will discuss your goals and recommend the most effective treatment plan for achieving your desired results.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Types of Accelerated Orthodontic Systems

Several accelerated orthodontic systems exist, each with its own approach. Here’s a brief overview of some common options:

  • AcceleDent® Aura: This FDA-cleared, low-level laser therapy device is worn for 20 minutes a day to accelerate tooth movement.
  • Propel®: This system utilizes micro-implants temporarily placed between the roots of teeth to facilitate faster movement.
  • Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs): Similar to Propel®, these tiny screws are placed strategically in the jawbone to provide additional anchorage for tooth movement.
  • Surgical Techniques: In some complex cases, a combination of surgical procedures and braces can significantly reduce treatment time.

Dr. Farhan Parkar will determine the most suitable accelerated orthodontic system for your specific needs during your consultation.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Can Accelerated Orthodontics Address Severe Misalignment?

The effectiveness of accelerated orthodontics depends on the severity of your case. While it can address a broad range of orthodontic concerns, traditional braces might be a better choice for very severe misalignment or complex jaw discrepancies. Dr. Farhan Parkar will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if accelerated orthodontics is the optimal approach for achieving your desired outcome.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Benefits of Accelerated Orthodontics

The primary benefit of accelerated orthodontics is the significant reduction in treatment time compared to traditional braces. This allows you to achieve a straighter smile and enjoy the confidence it brings much sooner. Here are some other advantages:

  • Reduced discomfort: Accelerated orthodontics often involves gentler forces on your teeth, leading to less discomfort than traditional braces.
  • Improved oral hygiene: Since some accelerated techniques involve removable appliances, maintaining proper oral hygiene can be easier.
  • Enhanced aesthetics: Options like clear aligners used in accelerated orthodontics can offer a more discreet approach to teeth straightening.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

How does accelerated orthodontics work?

Traditional braces rely on constant pressure exerted by brackets and wires to move teeth gradually. Accelerated orthodontics utilizes various techniques to accelerate this process. Some methods, like AcceleDent® Aura, employ low-level laser therapy to stimulate bone remodeling and facilitate faster tooth movement. Other approaches,like Propel® and TADs, involve temporary micro-implants or screws strategically placed in the jawbone. These implants act as additional anchorage points for the braces or aligners, allowing for more controlled and efficient tooth movement. In some complex cases, surgical procedures might be combined with braces to accelerate treatment by correcting underlying jawbone issues that contribute to misalignment.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Understanding the Risks: Are There Side Effects Associated with Accelerated Orthodontics?

While accelerated orthodontics is generally safe and effective, some potential side effects can occur. These are typically mild and temporary, but it’s important to be aware of them:

  • Root resorption: This is a potential side effect of all orthodontic treatments, including accelerated orthodontics. It refers to the shortening of the tooth root due to the pressure applied during movement. Dr. Farhan Parkar will carefully monitor your treatment to minimize this risk.
  • Discomfort: While generally less pronounced than traditional braces, you might experience some temporary discomfort during the initial adjustment period. Over-the-counter pain relievers can usually manage this effectively.
  • Gum irritation: Minor gum irritation can occur, particularly with techniques that involve temporary implants. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial to minimize this risk.

Dr. Farhan Parkar will discuss these potential side effects in detail during your consultation and address any concerns you may have.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Can Adults Benefit from Accelerated Orthodontics?

Absolutely! Accelerated orthodontics is a great option for adults seeking a faster path to a straighter smile. Adults often lead busy lives and appreciate the time-saving advantage of accelerated treatment. Dr. Farhan Parkar can assess your individual needs and determine if accelerated orthodontics is the right choice for you.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Maintaining a Winning Smile: Oral Hygiene During and After Accelerated Treatment

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial throughout any orthodontic treatment, and accelerated orthodontics is no exception. Here are some essential tips:

  • Brushing: Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, and ideally after every meal, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Flossing: Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth. Specific flossing techniques might be recommended depending on the type of accelerated orthodontics used.
  • Dietary considerations: While accelerated orthodontics generally offers more dietary freedom compared to traditional braces, it’s still wise to avoid excessively hard or sticky foods that could damage your braces or aligners.
  • Regular dental checkups: Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings with Dr. Farhan Parkar to monitor your progress and ensure optimal oral health.

By following these simple yet effective oral hygiene practices, you can maintain a healthy smile throughout your accelerated orthodontic treatment and beyond.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Growing Smiles: Is Accelerated Orthodontics Suitable for Children and Teenagers?

The suitability of accelerated orthodontics for children and teenagers depends on their individual development. In some cases, traditional braces might be a more appropriate choice until jaw growth is complete. However, Dr. Farhan Parkar can evaluate your child’s specific needs and determine if accelerated orthodontics is a viable option.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Cost Considerations: Comparing Accelerated Orthodontics and Traditional Braces

The cost of accelerated orthodontics can vary depending on the specific techniques used, the complexity of your case, and the duration of treatment. While it may be a more expensive option upfront compared to traditional braces, the faster treatment time can be a significant advantage. Additionally, factors like fewer dental appointments and potentially less discomfort can contribute to overall cost savings. During your consultation at Bliss Clinic, Dr. Farhan Parkar will provide a transparent cost breakdown based on your individual needs and discuss flexible payment options to make accelerated orthodontics accessible.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Are there age restrictions for this treatment?

There are no specific age restrictions for accelerated orthodontics. However, good overall health and a healthy jawbone are essential for successful treatment. Dr. Afsha Haji will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for accelerated orthodontics, regardless of your age.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

How Often Do I Need Orthodontist Visits During Treatment?

The frequency of your orthodontic visits during accelerated treatment will depend on the specific technique used. Generally, you can expect to visit Dr. Afsha Haji more frequently for adjustments compared to traditional braces. This allows for closer monitoring of tooth movement and ensures optimal results within a shorter timeframe.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Can Accelerated Orthodontics Help with Crowded or Crooked Teeth?

Yes, accelerated orthodontics can be effective in correcting various bite issues like overbite, underbite, and open bite. The specific technique used will depend on the severity of your case. Dr. Farhan Parkar will create a customized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and utilizes accelerated methods to achieve optimal bite correction within a shorter timeframe.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

How Does Accelerated Orthodontics Impact Treatment Duration?

As discussed earlier, the most significant benefit of accelerated orthodontics is the dramatic reduction in treatment time compared to traditional braces. While traditional braces can take 18-24 months or more, accelerated orthodontics can achieve similar results in 6-18 months. This allows you to enjoy the confidence of a straighter smile much sooner.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Are There Lifestyle Changes Required?

Accelerated orthodontics offers a high degree of flexibility compared to traditional braces. While some minor adjustments might be necessary, you can generally maintain your active lifestyle with minimal disruption. Here are some considerations:

  • Maintaining proper oral hygiene: As mentioned earlier, consistent brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits are crucial throughout treatment. Specific cleaning techniques might be required depending on the accelerated method used.
  • Dietary modifications: While accelerated orthodontics often allows for more dietary freedom than traditional braces, it’s still wise to avoid excessively hard or sticky foods that could damage your braces or aligners. Dr. Afsha Haji will provide specific recommendations based on your treatment plan.
  • Appointment schedule: You might need to visit Dr. Afsha Haji more frequently for adjustments compared to traditional braces. However, these appointments are typically shorter due to the efficiency of accelerated techniques.

Overall, accelerated orthodontics allows you to achieve a straighter smile faster without significantly impacting your daily routine.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Can Accelerated Orthodontics Be Combined with Other Procedures?

In some cases, accelerated orthodontics can be effectively combined with other dental procedures to achieve a comprehensive smile makeover. Here are some examples:

  • Teeth whitening: Teeth whitening can be performed before, during, or after accelerated orthodontic treatment to enhance the brightness and aesthetics of your new smile.
  • Dental implants: Dental implants can replace missing teeth and provide a stable foundation for orthodontic tooth movement in specific cases.
  • Gum grafting: Gum grafting procedures can address gum recession, which can sometimes occur during orthodontic treatment.

Dr. Farhan Parkar will discuss your individual needs and goals and recommend the most appropriate combination of procedures to achieve your desired outcome.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Success Stories: What is the Success Rate of Accelerated Orthodontics?

Accelerated orthodontics has a high success rate when performed by a qualified orthodontist like Dr. Farhan Parkar. Studies have shown that accelerated techniques can achieve similar results to traditional braces in a significantly shorter timeframe. During your consultation, Dr. Farhan Parkar can share success stories and case studies to illustrate the effectiveness of accelerated orthodontics.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Closing the Gap: Can Accelerated Orthodontics Help with Spacing Issues?

Yes, accelerated orthodontics is an excellent option for closing gaps between teeth. The gentle yet efficient forces applied during treatment can effectively move teeth into their desired positions, resulting in a beautiful, gap-free smile.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

A Healthier Smile: How Does Accelerated Orthodontics Impact Oral Health?

Straight teeth are not just about aesthetics; they also contribute to better oral health. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of plaque buildup, gum disease, and tooth decay. Additionally, accelerated orthodontics can sometimes correct bite issues that can contribute to jaw problems and headaches. By achieving a straighter smile faster, accelerated orthodontics can promote long-term oral health benefits.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Preparing for Success: Pre-Treatment Requirements for Accelerated Orthodontics

While there are no specific age restrictions for accelerated orthodontics, good overall health and a healthy jawbone are essential for successful treatment. During your consultation, Dr. Farhan Parkar will conduct a comprehensive examination, including X-rays and digital scans, to assess your suitability for accelerated orthodontics. In some cases, preliminary dental procedures like tooth extractions or gum disease treatment might be necessary before starting accelerated orthodontics.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Second Chances for Smiles: Can Accelerated Orthodontics Be Used for Patients with Previous Orthodontic Treatment?

Yes, accelerated orthodontics can be a viable option for patients who have undergone previous orthodontic treatment but are unhappy with the results or have experienced some relapse. Dr. Farhan Parkar will evaluate your specific situation and determine if accelerated orthodontics can help you achieve your desired smile goals.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Time Frames for Transformation: What is the Average Treatment Time for Accelerated Orthodontics?

The average treatment time for accelerated orthodontics can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the specific technique used. However, it typically ranges from 6 to 18 months, significantly faster than the 18-24 months or more often required for traditional braces. During your consultation at Bliss Clinic, Dr. Farhan Parkar will provide a personalized estimate based on your individual needs and the chosen accelerated orthodontic approach.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Minimising Discomfort: How Does Accelerated Orthodontics Reduce Discomfort?

Accelerated orthodontics often utilizes techniques that apply gentler forces to your teeth compared to traditional braces. This can significantly reduce discomfort and minimize the need for pain medication. Additionally, some accelerated methods, like clear aligners, can eliminate irritation caused by brackets and wires.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

A Customized Approach: Can Accelerated Orthodontics Be Tailored to Individual Needs?

Absolutely! Dr. Farhan Parkar understands that every smile is unique and requires a personalized approach. At Bliss Clinic, we offer a variety of accelerated orthodontic techniques to cater to your specific needs and preferences. During your consultation, Dr. Farhan Parkar will discuss your goals, evaluate your oral health, and recommend the most suitable accelerated orthodontic system for achieving your desired results.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Dietary Freedom: Are There Food Restrictions During Accelerated Orthodontics?

While accelerated orthodontics generally allows for more dietary freedom compared to traditional braces, it’s still wise to exercise some caution. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid hard or sticky foods: These foods can damage braces or aligners used in accelerated orthodontics.
  • Limit sugary treats: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial during treatment, and sugary foods can contribute to plaque buildup and cavities.
  • Enjoy a balanced diet: Choose healthy and nutritious foods that are easy to chew and won’t damage your orthodontic appliances.

Dr. Farhan Parkar will provide specific dietary recommendations based on your treatment plan.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Long-Term Results: How Does Accelerated Orthodontics Impact the Stability of Your Smile?

The stability of your smile after accelerated orthodontics depends on various factors, including the severity of your initial misalignment, the specific technique used, and your commitment to proper retainer wear after treatment. Dr. Farhan Parkar will design a customized retention plan to ensure your teeth stay in their new positions and your beautiful smile lasts a lifetime.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

In Conclusion: Accelerated Orthodontics: A Faster Path to a Straighter Smile

At Bliss Clinic in Bandra, we are passionate about helping you achieve a confident, healthy smile. Accelerated orthodontics offers a revolutionary approach that significantly reduces treatment time compared to traditional braces. With a variety of techniques available and personalized treatment plans created by Dr. Farhan Parkar, our esteemed orthodontist, we can help you achieve your dream smile faster and with minimal discomfort.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Take the first step towards a straighter smile and a more confident you. Contact Bliss Clinic in Bandra today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Farhan Parkar. During your consultation, Dr. Farhan Parkar will discuss your goals, answer your questions, and determine if accelerated orthodontics is the right choice for you.Schedule your appointment with the best orthodontist for Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra,Mumbai.

Contact Bliss Dental Clinic Contact Information:

Achieve Fast Results with Accelerated Orthodontics in Bandra


  • Address: Bliss Hair, Skin & Dental Clinic, 6 Hilton Apartment, 35-A Hill Road, Bandra-50 AS, Opp Alco Shopping Centre, Mumbai – 400 050 
  • Google Maps: Bliss Hair, Skin & Dental Clinic on Google Maps: 

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