Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers


What Is A Dental Sealant?

A dental sealant is a plastic material (resin) applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth – the premolars and molars. The sealant bonds to the pits and grooves on the biting surfaces of those teeth, and helps protect them from getting cavities. It is recommended for both adults and children, and only takes a few minutes to apply.

What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a man-made artificial replacement for natural teeth. It is a titanium cylinder that is placed where the missing or lost tooth was. They are compatible with the human body and will attach to the jawbone and gum tissue. They have been around for several decades, and are quickly becoming the treatment of choice for replacing missing or lost teeth.

I Was Told That I Have A Cavity, But How Come It Doesn’t Hurt?

Decay starts in the outer layer of the tooth known as the enamel. This tooth layer has no nerves, so when decay is present there is no pain associated with it. It is only once the decay grows to moderate in size that most people experience pain. That is because now the decay is very close to the inside nerve of the tooth or already into the nerve of the tooth.

Does Teeth Whitening Damage Your Teeth?

No! Teeth whitening does not soften, demineralize, or weaken the teeth in any way. It has been proven over the years be safe and very effective.

Will Tooth Whitening Work for Me?

There are many causes of tooth discoloration; things like coffee, colas, and smoking are among the most common. Some medications, old fillings, and aging can also cause your teeth to stain over time. Our Experts at Bliss Dental and Skin will determine why your teeth are discolored, and then recommend the best whitening system for you. In most cases the final results are striking!

What Are Veneers?

A veneer is a thin, semi-translucent “Shell”, permanently bonded to your tooth. Veneers are customized to your teeth and usually made out of porcelain. They are a cosmetic procedure used to treat a variety of dental conditions such as: spaces between teeth, broken or chipped teeth, stained or unsightly old fillings, discolored or stained teeth, and misshapen or crooked teeth.

What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal is a therapy done on a tooth to treat a disorder of the nerve (pulp) of the tooth. Usually it is done when a tooth has an infected nerve and has pain and discomfort (sometimes there is just an infected nerve without any pain or discomfort). The diseased nerve is removed and the empty chamber is cleaned and sterilized. Then the chamber is filled with a special filling material. A temporary filling is placed until a final restoration can be done. In the back teeth a crown is usually the final restoration of choice, and in the front, it can often be either a crown or a filling.

Is There A Link Between Gum Disease And Heart Disease?

Studies have found that the incidence of heart disease is about twice as high in people with periodontal (gum) disease. Periodontal disease may increase your risk for a variety of health concerns including: Diabetes, Stroke, Weakened Immune system, Lung Disease, Preterm low birth weight babies, Respiratory Disease, Osteoporosis, and Stomach ulcers. By keeping regular maintenance appointments with your dental team, you will help increase your chances for a long and healthy life.

When Should My Child First Go To The Dentist?

Every child should have a dental appointment by the age of three. It is important to brush your child’s baby teeth and to look inside their mouths every day. If at any time you see dark spots or stained areas then it is advisable to make a dental appointment at Bliss Skin and Dental

Is It Difficult To Eat After Putting Dentures?

Initially eating requires practice. One should start eating soft food that is cut into small bites. Food should be chewed using both sides to avoid tripping of dentures. The quantity of food can be gradually increased. One should not chew hard/ hot food, biting hard objects should be avoided.

How To Take Care Of The Denture?

Dentures should be cleaned regularly as tarter/plaque can get accumulated on false teeth. One should brush the denture after every meal. Bleaching agents should be avoided as they may discolor the acrylic of the gum line.

Is Denture Adhesive A Solution To Old/Loose Denture?

Denture adhesive are used for extra retention and support to a well fitted denture. Loose dentures should be replaced or realigned immediately because loose dentures can cause irritation and develop sores. One should consult the dentist immediately. Denture adhesive should never be used for loose teeth.

What Is The Life Of Dentures?

Dentures can last for say 5 to 10 years. Gums and teeth continue to change shape (when there are no teeth) for the whole life. Dentures are constructed and are artificial and so their shape does not change with the mouth, as a result they need to be adjusted or replaced after a few years. Continuous visits to the dentist are recommended so that there is no major problem which cannot be identified by the patient.

What Factors Determines The Cost Of The Denture?

The cost depends on the personnel skill of the dentist (qualification and experience), type of denture to be constructed (e.g simple, vein, lucitone), location of the dental clinic etc. Dentures are in high demand and have become main stream that one can find the best price for the denture.



What causes acne?

Dentures can last for say 5 to 10 years. Gums and teeth continue to change shape (when there are no teeth) for the whole life. Dentures are constructed and are artificial and so their shape does not change with the mouth, as a result they need to be adjusted or replaced after a few years. Continuous visits to the dentist are recommended so that there is no major problem which cannot be identified by the patient.

Is there anything I can eat or do to improve my acne?

There is conflicting information about the role of diet with acne. It is best to consume a healthy, well-balanced diet. Over-cleansing of the skin will not make acne go away faster or keep it away, and you should avoid picking, squeezing, scrubbing or scratching acne lesions. This can lead to longer healing times, skin infections, discoloration and scarring. Lastly, when applying any products to your acne areas, look for products that are oil-free and/or “non-comedogenic” (not acne causing).

What treatments are available for my acne?

There are many treatments available for acne, including over-the-counter, prescription-strength and procedural therapies. Over-the-counter therapies are topical (including newer medicated soap bars) and include the ingredients benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, retinol, salicylic acid or sulfur. Additionally, sea coral has been used to treat acne. Prescription-strength therapies include topical medications (azelaic acid, clindamycin, dapsone, retinoids, sulfacetamide sodium) and oral medications (antibiotics, hormone regulators, retinoids). Procedural therapies include chemical peels, laser and light therapy. Combining medical therapies with procedures often leads to better results.


What causes this to occur?

Most of the time hives occur when a stimulus causes an inappropriate release of histamine from a kind of immune system cell in your skin called a mast cell. A few common triggers include medications (new and dose changes to current ones), sunlight, foods (citrus fruits, mil, eggs, peanuts, shellfish), insect bites/stings, infections (usually the common cold), stress, exercise and pressure.

Yes and no. While most of the time hives are an isolated finding, there are some associated conditions that your medical Consultant should evaluate. If you start to develop lip or tongue swelling, you could be developing angioedema which is a medical emergency.

Itchy Skin

What causes itchy skin?

There are many causes of itchy skin, including skin-only causes (environmental exposures, excessive dryness, infestations/bites&stings, inflammatory skin disease, infections, neoplastic skin disease and hereditary conditions) and itching from secondary causes (infections, medications, neuropsychiatric causes, pregnancy and serious underlying disease).

What can I do to potentially help at home?

Avoid long, hot showers and be sure to always moisturize with a thick moisturizer immediately after bathing. Keep your fingernail short and if possible, avoid scratching to relief itch. Use only fragrance free, hypoallergenic, mild products in your skin care (including shampoo’s, soaps, laundry detergent, moisturizers, beauty products, etc). Wear only soft, breathable clothing. Different soothing topical products are available over-the-counter containing menthol, camphor and capsaicin.

What kinds of treatments are available?

Aside from the above listed measures to help with your itching, your doctor has several therapeutic options to help control your skin. Prescription strength moisturizers are available along with prescription topical medications (steroids, immunomodulators, coal tars, anesthetics and anti-histamines). Oral therapy includes anti-histamines, leukotriene inhibitors, steroids and immunosuppressive medications. Phototherapy has been employed successfully, along with psychological approaches.


Do warts need to be treated?

There is data to suggest that most warts will resolve on their own by 2-3 years. However, with their contagious nature, potential for symptoms and cause for social embarrassment, it is recommended to have these lesions treated by your doctor. Rarely, mostly in immunosuppressed patients, warts can transform into skin cancers.

What kinds of treatments are available for warts?

Common methods for treating warts including duct tape, over-the-counter salicylic acid products, liquid nitrogen, cantharidin (“beetlejuice”), electrosurgery (burning) and curettage (scraping) or excision. Other treatment options include prescription topical medications (aldara, retin-A, podophyllin, etc), laser therapy, chemical peels, immunotherapy and rarely oral retinoids.

Can warts be cured?

Yes and no. With treatments as described above, one can get rid of the clinically obvious warts. However, they can recur or develop new ones at any time in the future. Continued follow-up for treatment and detection of future lesions is essential.

Excessive sweating

Is my sweating a sign of something bad?

Usually hyperhidrosis is not a sign of another process that is detrimental. With that, it is important to have an evaluation with a trained medical Consultant to rule out other possible causes of excessive sweating.

What kinds of treatments are available?

There are both non-surgical and surgical treatment options. Non-surgical therapies include topical anti-perspirants, botulinum toxin injections, iontophoresis, oral agents (anti-cholinergics, α- or β-blockers, α2-adrenergic agonists), and biofeedback therapy. Surgical options include subcutaneous curettage, liposuction, local excision or sympathectomy. Newer destructive methods include MiraDry and Fractional Microneedle Radiofrequency (FMR).

Hair Loss

Why am I losing my hair?

Factors that contribute to hair loss including heredity (genetics), hormones, stress (both physical and emotional), systemic disease and medications. A full evaluation is important to help treat your hair loss.

Is there anything I can do to help prevent losing my hair?

There are many over-the-counter options available to help treat certain causes of hair loss. Simple options for hair health include vitamins (D, E), supplements (Amino acids, Biotin, Fish oil, Iron), natural products (Hair Genesis, Nioxin, Nisim, Revita, ThymuSkin, Tricomin, Viviscal, etc), and medical therapies (Cimetidine, Nizoral, Rogaine, etc).

What treatments can my doctor offer me?

At your appointment your doctor can offer several therapeutic options to help with your hair loss condition. These include topical medications (irritants, steroids and shampoo’s), oral medications (androgens modulators, anti-inflammatory antibiotics, immune-system suppressors, etc), injections (steroids – intralesional or dermajet) and light-based options (LASER, over-the-counter light therapy). Are hives dangerous?
Yes and no. While most of the time hives are an isolated finding, there are some associated conditions that your medical Consultant should evaluate. If you start to develop lip or tongue swelling, you could be developing angioedema which is a medical emergency.

What kinds of treatments are available?

There are several available treatments for hives, the most important being avoiding whatever triggers them (if known). First-line treatment usually includes around-the-clock, non-sedating antihistamines in combination with skin soothing lotions. Many times it takes a combination of more than one anti-histamine to maintain control. When these fail, other treatment options include steroids (topical, oral and injectable), oral medications (singulair, cyclosporine, dapsone, methotrexate), phototherapy and a recently approved injection (omalizumab).


Aside from heredity, what can cause psoriasis?

Currently known triggers of this condition include endocrine factors (pregnancy, calcium and vitamin D levels), psychogenic stress, trauma (medically termed “Koebnerization”), infections (in particular strep throat, also HIV), and certain medications.

What associations with psoriasis should I be worried about?

Psoriasis is associated with several significant conditions that can affect not just quality of life, but overall life expectancy. Psoriasis-associated arthritis is debilitating and the most common comorbidity, and is different from osteoarthritis (“wear-and-tear” type). Cardiovascular disease is the most prominent association with psoriasis, due to systemic inflammation. It can lead to heart attacks amongst other problems. Liver disease is also prevalent in psoriasis patients, so controlling your condition is very important.

What are the treatment options for Psoriasis?

There are a whole host of therapeutic options for your psoriasis, depending on location, symptoms and severity. Basic techniques include moisturization and a healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise, stress reduction, etc). Topical therapies (steroids, vitamin D analogues, retinoids, anthralin, coal tar, calcineurin inhibitors, β-hydroxy acids, etc) light-based options (Narrowband-UVB phototherapy or PUVA) are exteral modalities, while oral medications (Methotrexate, Cyclosporine, Soriatane, Apremilast and Tofacitinib) and injectables (Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, Stelara and several upcoming options in clinical trials) are available systemic options.

Laser therapy

What can I expect from my treatment?

After a consultation, the decision to treat can most of the time occur that day. Many times you will need several treatments before therapy is complete. Safety is of the utmost importance, so protective equipment will be stressed. Finally, most treatments have no down time and you can go back to the rest of your day.

What are the side effects?

Depending on what you are having the laser treat, it usually has minimal-to-no pain. Temporary redness, bruising, blistering and/or crusting can occur. People with a history of herpes can have a flare, while proper post-procedure care usually prevents infection. Skin discoloration can occur, and sometimes may be permanent.


What can I expect at my appointment?

Not much. After learning about the benefits it can provide, the injections take only a few minutes to perform right there in the office. There is very minimal to no pain with the injections, and some people might experience minimal bruising, but most people have no trace of anything performed.

What can I expect from the product?

It takes about 1-2 weeks for the effects to occur, so please consider this when getting the treatment done. It tends to last anywhere from 3-10 months, depend on the patient and product.

Can I have other procedures performed too?

Absolutely, these injections are commonly combined with other cosmetic procedures.
Spider vein therapy

Are there any risk factors for their development?

Yes, there are several factors that contribute to developing varicose and spider veins. Increased age, personal or family history of vein problems, hormonal changes (including puberty, pregnancy and menopause), obesity, lack of movement and sun exposure are all associated with an increased risk.

The uncomfortable symptoms, can they be dangerous?

While it is rare, they can have potentially dangerous consequences. These include skin changes (including permanent discoloration, sores and ulcers), bleeding, and blood clots. Blood clots can be in veins close to the skin (superficial thrombophlebitis) and in deeper veins (deep vein thrombosis), which is a medical emergency.

What kind of treatments are available for treatment?

There are several therapies available to treat your veins including sclerotherapy (injections), laser (both surface and within the vessels), and surgery to go along with lifestyle habits. The treatment plan depends on the location, size and symptoms of your veins.