Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment in Mumbai (Bandra West and Bandra East)
Tattoos are no longer regarded as permanent and irreversible skin adornments. Laser treatment can be used to safely remove them.
What you need to know before Tatoo removal in Mumbai
Most professionally made uniform level tattoos can be removed
Newer inks and pastel shades may be difficult to remove. Red and yellow are especially challenging
Fading will happen with each session. About 4-6 sessions may be required
The ink particles are broken up by the laser beam penetrating the skin. The immune system (scavenger cells) of the body removes these particles over time. The tattoo will fade as a result of this. The laser energy is only directed at the tattooed skin, leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.
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Want to learn more or book an appointment contact us now:

Location: BlissSkinDental,6 Hilton Apartment,35-A Hill Road,Bandra-50 AS,Opp Alco Shopping Centre,Mum-400 050.
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