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How is Liposuction done watch live surgery video at Bliss Clinic in Bandra Mumbai

How is Liposuction done watch live surgery video at Bliss Clinic in Bandra Mumbai

Get Your Desired Figure with Safe & Affordable Liposuction Surgery

What is Liposuction Surgery?
Liposuction surgery is a procedure that uses suction to remove fat from various stubborn body areas (LFD/localized fat deposits) through small incisions.

It’s also known as Body Contouring Surgery or Lipoplasty.
Originally, liposuction surgery was intended to remove fat from a small number of body areas for the purpose of body contouring. Advanced techniques such as tumescent liposuction, as well as the use of technology such as laser and Vaser liposuction, have broadened the scope of body contouring surgery. At the same time, advances in medical science have increased safety and sped up the recovery process.

For those patients who choose the procedure for weight loss, large volume (up to 10 litres) or Mega liposuction (more than 10 liters) liposuction surgery is now available.

Body contouring with 3D liposuction to define muscles such as the 6-pack abdomen, chest, back, arm, and thigh muscles. 4D liposuction, or VASER-assisted high-definition liposculpting, is when aspirated fat is transplanted in the muscle to highlight them more (VAHDL).

Liposuction surgery is becoming more and more acceptable as a result of increased awareness, availability, and safety profile. According to ISAPS statistics, liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries. In 2018, over 1,732,620 liposuction surgeries were performed worldwide, an increase of 9.0 percent over the previous year. In India, it was reported that 73,347 liposuction surgeries were performed in 2018. ISAPS is a source of information.

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📞 Phone: +91 9322122111/ 9323133222
📍 Location: BlissSkinDental,6 Hilton Apartment,35-A Hill Road,Bandra-50 AS,Opp Alco Shopping Centre,Mum-400 050.
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