Get Rid of DOUBLE CHIN with Bliss Skin Clinic in Bandra, Mumbai
How to remove Double Chin without surgery, how to lose double chin ? how to get rid of double chin with botox? can you get rid of double chin with botox ?
Even if you are slim, young, and toned, you can still have a double chin. Everyone develops a double chin, turkey neck, and/or jowly jawline to varying degrees as they age. A complex interplay of genetics and environmental factors, such as lifestyle, sun exposure, gravity, weight changes, and the aging process, can affect the double chin or turkey neck.
The good news is that we are living in an era of aesthetic medicine when cosmetic flaws can be treated without surgery. With the introduction of injectable fillers, it is now possible to melt fat under the chin and slightly tighten and lift the skin of the neck without resorting to surgery. BOTOX has been used to treat frown lines and crow’s feet with great success.
It has also been shown to be effective as a non-surgical neck lift. It lifts and narrows the lower face, giving you a more youthful appearance when injected into problem areas (turkey neck, double chin). The BOTOX chin and neck lift procedure takes less than an hour. The effects appear in 10-14 days and last for 3-4 months, depending on the patient.
With this treatment, only licensed and certified professionals should be trusted. We have state-of-the-art technology and a highly qualified team of professionals at Bliss Skin Center who are ready to attend to your specific needs and answer any questions you may have. The cost of a consultation with Dr. Afsha Haji is 1000 INR, which will be deducted from the treatment cost if it is completed the same day. Nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants provide free consultations.
Want to learn more or book an appointment contact us now:

Location: BlissSkinDental,6 Hilton Apartment,35-A Hill Road,Bandra-50 AS,Opp Alco Shopping Centre,Mum-400 050.
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#Getridofdoublechin #howtoremovedoublechin #Removedoublechinwithoutsurgery #Removdoublechinwithbotox