Best Acne Treatment in Bandra, Mumbai
Bliss Skin Clinic is a cutting-edge medical facility in the heart of Mumbai’s Bandra neighborhood that offers a variety of acne scar treatment options. These include some of our signature solutions, international peels, and acne laser treatment approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Here’s what to expect at our clinic:
Detailed Consultation with Dr. Afsha Haji, our Skin Specialist
Medication, Products, and Treatments are all part of a comprehensive acne prescription plan.
BlisSkindental Polyclinic offers acne treatments such as
- CO2 Fraxel Laser Peels,
- Medicated Peels,
- Chemical Peels,
- Dermaroller for acne scar removal,
- and Micro-Needling.
Want to learn more or book an appointment contact us now:

Location: BlissSkinDental,6 Hilton Apartment,35-A Hill Road,Bandra-50 AS,Opp Alco Shopping Centre,Mum-400 050.
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